Friday, December 10, 2010

Make A Wall Mounted Headboard

Torino - Anversa, andata e Ritorno

two exhibitions in Turin and Antwerp
selected above works related projects in the current and future European Capitals Youth
" Terre di immigrati emigranti etc / Lands of immigrants and emigrants " (migration)

Red Fish Factory , Helmstraat 139 - Antwerp

17 to 21 December 2010
Opening Thursday, December 16 at 18:00

Arteco teams up with the Coal Face, Arti-Mista, Fondazione 107 and Red Fish Factory ee
n exchange project for young and promising artists. Turin and Antwerp (and by extension the Limburg mining region, Coal Face ) characterize their migration history. They are colorful regions where immigrants and natives together search for identity amidst a specific reality.
This project is a first look at this immigration areas and the identity of migrants. Secondly, the project value to the innovative role of the artist and wants the young artists a chance to engage in dialogue with others. A workshop in Turin and one in Antwerp, this aspect of meeting together and create stress.
26 artists were selected through a competition. These artists all have a different cultural background and are active in different art forms: photography, painting, music, dance, fashion design, installation, performance, etc. This results in two exhibitions, entitled "Terre di immigrati emigranti etc / Lands of immigrants and emigrants' (migration). The first exhibition will take place in the current
young capital, namely Turin, and the second exhibition will take place in Antwerp, the capital of young Europeans in 2011.

Participating artists:
Derya Akgüre, Francesca Arri, auroraMeccanica, Cornelia Badel, Giorgio Bevilacqua, Line Boogaerts, Nicolas Buissart, Simona Castaldo, Michael Depetris, Cameron Foden, Alessandra Giannandrea, Cecio Wheat, Thomas Grodal, The Artima, Gitte Le Bruyn, Daniele Mana, Ludo Moris, Line Oshin, Beatrice Piva, Yael Plat, Mikes Poppe, Fausto
Sanmartino, Sassi, Caroline Van den Eynden, Joris Vanpoucke.

Expo in Antwerp:
Red Fish Factory
Helmstraat 139
2140 Antwerpen (Borgerhout)
Exhibition: 17> December 21, 2010
Opening night: Dec. 16 - 6:00 p.m. (with performances and music)
16/12 Thursday from 18.00
Friday 14.00 to 19.00

Saturday 11.00 to 18.00 hours
19/12 Sunday 11.00 to 18.00 hours
20/12 Monday 14.00 to 19.00
21/12 Tuesday 14.00 to 19.00

Project realized in the course of “Gioventù Esplosiva” with the support of:

Vedett , Contemporary Art in Turin and Piedmont, Torino 2010 European Youth Capital, City of Turin, Ministry of Youth, Regione Piemonte
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